Any student interested in theatre can belong to the Drama Club. If students earn 100 or more hours through exemplary service in educational theatre, they are eligible to be inducted into the International Thespian Society as official Thespians. Thespians are a part of the Drama Club. Only Thespians can be officers of Drama Club.
Want to become an official Thespian?
All you need to do is participate in theatre events and activities, document your hours on the official form, and you are on your way to becoming a Thespian. Contact the Thespian Officer Clerk or Theatre Director Jo Strom Lane for additional details.
Any student interested in theatre can belong to and participate in the Drama Club, and even some Thespian events.
What you can do as a Drama Club member:
Attend Drama Club meetings
Participate in Drama Club activities
Attend Drama Club field trips to see theatre productions
Participate in Thespian-sponsored TOTS-EAT (Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat)
Attend Thespian Instant Theatre Festival, Regional Acting Competition, and State Conference at a higher rate
Earn hours toward becoming an official Thespian
Only students who have earned 100 hours of documented exemplary service in educational theatre are eligible to be inducted into the International Thespian Society as an official Thespian in RHS Troupe 7289. Thespians are a part of the Drama Club.
What you can do as a Thespian:
Everything that a Drama Club member can do AND....
Attend Thespian Instant Theatre Festival, Regional Acting Competition, and State Conference at a reduced cost
Attend International Thespian Festival
Attend Thespian-only meetings
Have voting rights for elections
Become a Thespian officer for Drama Club/Thespians and attend Camp Thespis leadership training
Recognized in an invitation-only induction ceremony where you receive your membership card, pin, candle, and sign Troupe 7289's roster
Eligible for recognition as Thespian of the Year
Eligible for scholarships through Oregon Thespians and ITS
Eligible for leadership positions in Oregon Thespians and ITS
And the ability to pronounce Thespian correctly as /THESS-PEE-ANN/ not /Thez-be-an/.