Would you like to help us make theatre magic? We can always use volunteers from as little as once for an hour to many hours over the several months of preparation through production, and everything in between. Maybe you'd like to come to one of our scenery work days to help build the set. Or maybe you are interested in working our box office for the run of a show. Whatever your interests, we have a volunteer job available for you!
COSTUMES: organizing, renting, borrowing, finding, buying, and/or sewing costumes.
MAKE UP/HAIR: organize supplies needed for make up or hair, apply make up, or style hair for the cast.
SCENERY: build, paint, and create the scenery.
PROPS: borrow, find, buy, or create any or all of the handheld properties.
LIGHTING: hang and focus instruments, drop color into frames, help repair lighting instruments that need new electrical plugs, and more.
SOUND: create or find sound and music for before, during, and after the show.
HOUSE MANAGEMENT/BOX OFFICE: getting ushers and ticket takers for each production night, selling tickets and refreshments any night of a production, potential to help coordinate student matinees.
PUBLICITY/MARKETING: anything from creating to printing to hanging up posters to working on the program and tickets to soliciting businesses to purchase ads in our program.
GREEN ROOM/REFRESHMENTS: be available backstage during the show to help performers; provide water for performers, and refreshments for patrons.
CHILD WRANGLER: be available during rehearsals and/or performances to engage younger performers in activities in an alternate space while they wait for their time on stage. They are needed for shows with younger children and parents of those younger children usually take turns as the two wranglers needed for each rehearsal and performance.
OTHER: If you have another skill and would like to help, such as photography, please contact the Theatre Director.

RHS Theatre Department seeks to partner with a wide range of professional partners to provide students with a variety of career-related learning experiences throughout their involvement in the department offerings.
• Student playwriting mentorships with professional playwright EM Lewis
• Six week residency Fall 2020
• Professional mentoring in devising and technical theatre
• Year long residency 2019-2020
Educational Theatre Program's "What Do You See?" project sponsored by Kaiser Permanente“We are more than what you see. We are more than who you tell us to be.”-Student Participant
In partnership with Roosevelt High School, “What Do You See?” was a pilot class offered by the Educational Theatre Program. This groundbreaking venture was developed collaboratively with Oregon Children’s Theatre and Roosevelt High staff, through sponsorship by Kaiser Permanente. Spring 2009
Portland'5 Centers for the Arts
• CRLEs through hands-on experience and panels with working professionals in the arts, including IATSE Local 28
• Professional mentoring in technical theatre and arts administration
• Visions and Voices Young Playwrights Program
• Two Roosevelt playwrights selected for PCS staged reading
• Field trips to see professional theatre productions
• Available Fall 2008; Spring 2021
PORTLAND PLAYHOUSE: Fall Festival of Shakespeare
• Performance of The Taming of the Shrew (set in the 1980s!) at PCPA
• Additional performances of Shrew at RHS
• Common classes with other Fall Festival of Shakespeare participants
• Artist-in-Residence Co-director for Advanced Acting/fall show
• Available Fall 2013
PORTLAND PLAYHOUSE: Spring Social Justice Theatre Project
• Performances at RHS PAC
• Common classes with other Spring Social Justice Theatre Project participants
• Artist-in-Residence Co-director for student-written production around social justice issues; starting in 2016
• Pre-production discussion with Artistic Direction and production Director
• Field trips to see professional theatre productions
• Talk backs with actors and crew
• Artist-in-Residence Director for Senior Shorts
• Annual connection 2007-2011
• Production specific residency
• Annual connection 2016

If you are interested in contributing to the theatre arts program, please make your cheque payable to Roosevelt High School, with a memo indicating "Theatre Arts". Your generous donations will assist in continuing to produce at least three high quality, full productions each year, as well as supporting our theatre program.
Thank you again!
Jo Director

Opening Act Theatre Company is a nonprofit part of Roosevelt High School's Theatre Department. Our Theatre Department is self-funded through ticket sales, advertisements, and donations. We rely on your generous donations and advertisements in our program as the primary support of both our productions and Thespian Troupe events. Please consider supporting the high quality educational theatre experiences of your neighborhood students by donating today at one of the following levels:
Please CLICK HERE on our donation page and consider helping us continue our quality educational theatre programming.
Thank you for supporting Roosevelt HS's Theatre Dept. where educational theatre builds character!
$1000 or more (Season Sponsor)
At the Platinum Level, you receive:
• 20 Complimentary Season Passes
• Additional tickets at a discount
• Lobby Recognition (Logo Display)
• Color Playbill Ad (Full page)
• Additional ad space at a 50% off discount
• Pre-show Announcement of Sponsorship
• Recognition within RHS's OATC Website
• Name/Logo Recognition in program and other Promotional Items
• Donation recognized in school promotions around partners in education
• 1 Complimentary Refreshment item per season pass patron at Intermission
• Use of Black Box Theatre for Pre-show Reception
• Behind-the-scenes tour by cast, crew, or another production team member
$500 (Show Sponsor)
At the Gold Level, you receive:
• 4 Complimentary Season Passes
• Black and White Playbill Ad (Full page)
• Recognition within RHS's OATC Website
• Name/Logo Recognition in program
• 1 Complimentary Refreshment item per season pass patron at Intermission
$250 (Theatre Sponsor)
At the Silver Level, you receive:
• 3 Complimentary Season Passes
• Black and White Playbill Ad (Half page)
• Recognition within RHS's OATC Website
• Name/Logo Recognition in program
• 1 Complimentary Refreshment item per season pass patron at Intermission
$100 (Theatre Supporter)
At the Bronze Level, you receive:
• 2 Complimentary Season Passes
• Black and White Playbill Ad (Quarter page)
• Recognition within RHS's OATC Website
• Name/Logo Recognition in program
• 1 Complimentary Refreshment item per season pass patron at Intermission
$50 (Patron Supporter)
At the Copper Level, you receive:
• 1 Complimentary Season Pass
• Personal Message (Written message in program)
• Recognition within RHS's OATC Website
• Name/Logo Recognition in program
• 1 Complimentary Refreshment item per season pass patron at Intermission
Theatre Season
RHS Theatre Arts Department and International Thespian Troupe #7289 recognize the following donors for their generous specified contribution to support educational theatre:
PLATINUM LEVEL--Season Sponsors--$1000 or more
* Derek Lane and Jo Strom Lane
GOLD LEVEL--Show Sponsors--$500
* Charles and Keola Morley
SILVER LEVEL--Theatre Sponsors--$250
* Allison Taylor
BRONZE LEVEL--Theatre Supporters--$100
* Your business here--email and ask how: jolane@pps.net
COPPER LEVEL--Patron Supporters--$50
* Your business here--email and ask how: jolane@pps.net
We thank you, our patrons, for your attendance at our productions and your continued much-needed financial support.
Roosevelt High School's Theatre Arts Department and International Thespian Troupe #7289 recognize the following donors for their generous specified contribution that supported educational theatre collectively over the past seven years with both financial and in kind donations:
PRODUCER’S CIRCLE--$1000 or more (monies or in kind)
Albina Community Bank
Arts People (formerly Ticket Turtle)
Gary LaPointe and AAA Spectrum Embroidery
Kaiser Permanente
Lane Family
North Pacific Sign and Design, Inc.
Northwest Theatre Specialists
Oregon Children’s Theatre
Portland Center Stage
Portland Public Schools
Portland Schools Foundation
Profile Theatre
Regional Arts and Culture Council
L. Lynne Scapple
Richard A. Sly
Southlake Community Church
Peninsula Optimists Club in memory of Bert Alton
Brooklyn/Winterhaven PTSA, Jennifer Jones,
Emily Ferguson, and Class of 2011 WH 8th graders
Don Carlson
Michael Fitz
Michelle Lane
Moon Family
Dennis Poklikuha and Lisa Manning
Colleen Orr
William Roselle
Tami Castillo Shelton
Peterson-Perry Family
RHS Booster Club
Bobbie Regan
Joan Snyder
Roosevelt High School Class of 1947, 1956, and 1989
Wendy Archibald
Linda Berg
Kim Bogus
Carpenter’s Union #247
Ronald Carson
Kate Carter
Patrick Clark
Cathy Ekhoff
Paul Fjalstad
Marian Flood
Kathy Fong-Stephens
Venita Gallagher
Cynthia Gilliam
Grace Guyer
Margie Hunt
Bob Johnson
George S. and Ruth L. Johnson
Lisa Kaskan
Kiwanis Club of Peninsula—Portland
Debbie Larsen-Walker
In memory of
Paul Wack, Class of 1975, cast member of “Jabberwock”
Al Lindstrom
Penny Luening
Beth Madison
Louise Marriage
Kay ‘Fitzgerald’ Mastronardi, RHS Class of 1969
In memory of
Naida ‘May’ Fitzgerald, RHS Class of 1934
and John L. Fitzgerald, RHS Class of 1963
Katherine McIlwain
Nancy J. Meyers
Beverly J (Vogel) Moore
Gregory Neuman
Rosemary Percell
Martha Perkins
Sascha Perrins
Janice Phillips
Nora Pirrie
Viola Pruitt
Richards Family
Martha Robeck
Vickie and Philip Rothrock
Judy Roumpf
Diane Saban (Hanson)
Judy Sargent
Ned Schmidtke
Rod and Charnell Singleterry
Carole Smith
Janet and Jack Smith
Susan Starman
Henise Telles-Ferreira
Arminta Tupper
Michael Verbout
Nancy Walsh
Stephen Walton
Jane P. Willsea
Aimee Wilson and Tina Kotek
Norman K. Zeller
Jose Alvarez and Magdalena Rivas
Jewell and Carol Bailey
Ken Baker
Diana L. Bentley
Betsy Bergstein
Susan Bexton
Rafael Bobenrieth
Rayna Bratton
Sue Bryan
Beth Burczak
Kim Castle
Ramona L. Charlston
Feral Cats Coalition
Alyce Cornyn-Selby
Rhonda Ensley
Launa Eyestone
Dexter Fairbank
Frank Flori
Sue Fox
Elena Garcia-Velasco
Lisa Grab
Mary Grant
Ramon Guimary
Sarah and Nathan Helland
Steven W. Henzi
Julie and Greg Johnson
V. Ruth Lane
Gary Mansavage
Billie Marx
HD McGann
Mary McNamara
Lana Miles
Victoria Mosse
Tim Nishitani
Patricia Opdyke
Deb Payne
Judee Ramsthel
Jose Plunkett and Georgia Sarbovan
Deborah and Jeffrey Reck
Dale and Leslee Robinson
Leah Robinson
Jackie Singleterry
Sara Ann Skelding
Janet Smith
Helena Snyder
Rene Soohoo
Mark Stephen
Sharon Swezey
Catherine Theriault
Marlene Trask
Richard Voss
Meg Walter
Deanne Washburn
Jeannine Watson
Mary-Margaret Wheeler-Weber
G.C. Wilkerson
Amy Ambrosio
Reagan Bauman
Kimberly Bennet
Ness Blackbird
Judy Byrd
Luanne Clark
Tiffany Dahlen
Dominic Domiani
Tonya Gabrielli
Carol A. Gordon
Paul Gouveia
Robert Grant
Nancy E. Hedrick
Irma J. Hickey
Courtney Jackson
Emma Lou Johnson
Veronica Johnson
Marilyn Kongslie
Richard Leach
Lacie Lewlan
Avis Jane Lostetter
Julie Mainwaring
David Manning
Sharon Marshall
Melissa Marsland
David McClaran
Eileen McDermott
Jennifer McInroy
Rebecca Mimnaugh
Cathy Mincberg
Linda Myers
Kathe Oliver
Vicki Onuliak
Chantel Orr
D. A. Partee
Gloria Payne
Jo Anne Pembertotn
Barb Pereira
Lori Ruffo
Brenda Scott
Michael Shrunk
Larry Smith
Joan Sparks
Alice Steffens
Chris Stubblefield
Mary Sullivan
Jessica Thompson
Elizabeth Welch
Darlene Welp
Rosemarie Williams
Carolyn Winkler
Erleen Whitney
Michelle York
Nicole Zimmerman
We thank you, our patrons, for your attendance at our productions and your continued support.