As a troupe, we participate in various local, regional, state, and/or national Thespian events, depending on the year. The following calendar gives an idea about the main events for Thespians each month. We also hold weekly Drama Club/Thespian meetings.
Roosevelt Troupe 7289 aims to form community through the arts that shares and celebrates everyone's stories, especially those that often go unheard, onstage and off.
Our school's official troupe is Thespian Troupe 7289. Whether you're earning hours to become a Thespian, or you're wanting to advance to Honor Thespian, National Honor Thespian, or International Honor Thespian, your hours from educational theatre service count.
Oregon Thespians is the official state Chapter of the International Thespian Society.
Statewide events include:
Thespis: a Leadership Summit
Unified College Auditions
Regional Acting Competition
State Festival
EdTA is home of the International Thespian Society. EdTA is the teacher-centered organization while ITS is the student-centered organization. EdTA has an annual Theatre Educators Conference for teachers, and for students, the International/National Event is the International Thespian Festival

For Statewide Thespian events, go to the Oregon Thespians website.
We attend all Oregon Thespians events, and our own, which vary year by year.
Sample Thespian Calendar
September: Roosevelt's RUCKUS improv event; attend Instant Theatre (groups receive a prompt and have an hour to create a short scene to perform or for designers, read a micro-play, get a role, and create an original design)
October: TOTS-EAT (Trick-or-Treat-So-Kids-Can-Eat service event to collect canned food for the Oregon Food Bank)
November: Thesgiving social event, See a production at another Thespian school
December: Assist with RHS fall production
January: Acting Showcase (showcasing Regional competition pieces, English-Speaking Union and August Wilson Monologue competitors, and RUCKUS improv team)
February: Regional Acting Competition (students compete in a variety of categories from novice to advanced monologues, scenes, pantomime, and musical theatre)
March: Theatre In Our Schools Month (sponsored by AATE and EdTA, celebrating educational theatre; events vary); assist with RHS winter production
April: State Conference (top 10% from Regionals compete at State; workshops available to all students who wish to attend)
May: Thespian Induction (invitation-only event to induct students who have earned membership into the society); assist with Senior Shorts, spring production
Thespian Induction
Last Thursday in May before Memorial Day Weekend
7:00 P.M.
June: International Thespian Festival at Indiana University--Bloomington (optional for anyone wanting to compete at ITF while attending: performers who receive a Superior at Regionals, or design/tech at State, qualifies to move onto national competition; see more info below)

Information posted below is ITF on the IU-Bloomington campus. See link above for most current information.
Click for --> GENERAL INFO.
Who: Only active Roosevelt HS Thespians or students pre-approved by Ms. Lane only (Yes, adult chaperones may attend, but each must pay their own way IN FULL)
What: Attend International Thespian Festival
When: Third full week in June
Where: Indiana University -- Bloomington
Cost Estimate: ~$2200.00 per student delegate + spending money (on their own)
Click for --> Statement of Understanding Form—Explains details of the trip
Signed by BOTH parent/guardian AND student
Click for --> Payment Ability Form—Partly to assist with additional fundraising planning
→Due Oct. 2
6:30 PM meeting Black Box Theatre
Click for --> Letter of Commitment—Commitment to attend Festival for final participant count Signed by BOTH parent/guardian AND student
→Due Nov. 13
6:30 PM meeting Black Box Theatre
AIRFARE—Payment in full; Round trip from Portland to Indianapolis
Click for --> REQUIRED TRAVELER INFO—All the important information needed to buy plane tickets, register for Festival, assign dorms rooms, etc.
→Due Dec. 4
6:30 PM Black Box Theatre
Click for --> PPS REQUIRED FORMS (PPS Forms to be added once trip is approved)—Registration includes room, board, and access to all Festival activities and events, as well as event materials.
Click for --> Rules of the Road—Rules of the Road is our agreement for safety and security beyond the RHS, PPS, and ITF forms required.
(Please note: Thespys ($50/person/entry) and Auditions ($50pp) incur additional fees for participation)
~$1099 + any additional fees
→Due Jan. 22
6:30 PM meeting Black Box Theatre
SHUTTLE—Round trip from airport to university
~$60 (paid for 2025 trip from Peninsula Optimists Club grant!)
→Due Apr. 2
No meeting
INCIDENTALS—Meals for travel days breakfast/lunch/dinner, souvenirs, or miscellaneous self-determined expenses (auction items, etc.)
→Students will bring this money with them. Trip sponsor is NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or misused funds. Students need to budget their funds to allow for purchasing of meals on the end of the trip on the way home. Trip sponsor WILL NOT carry money for any student. If you can go on a week-long trip, you can carry and manage your own personal funds for that week. Bring a wallet or zippered small purse that you can carry with you at all times. Suggestion: Put $10-$15 into a separate envelope marked “return trip.” Don’t open it until you are on the road home so you guarantee yourself money for meals!
Other Meetings will be scheduled as needed.
FINAL MEETING - June 4 (tent. date) - 1-2 weeks prior to departure
See Ms. Lane for details if you plan to attend The International Thespian Festival. Roosevelt's attendance varies depending on interest and other potential trip plans. An interest meeting will be held in June one year prior to departure, as well as additional meetings throughout the year for registered participants.

RHS Theatre Department believes that cost of events should not be a prohibiting factor for participation. The department offers a multitude of opportunities for students to raise funds that go into individual student accounts (see Fundraising page). Also, scholarships are offered to students in need. Some scholarships are through the troupe on a case by case basis, Oregon Thespians through an application, and International Thespian Society as noted below. No matter the circumstance, both the TTO and Ms. Lane will do everything to provide a reasonable way for students to earn participation.
Information about the International Thespian scholarship and grant opportunities listed below are available by clicking here for more information about OREGON THESPIANS and clicking here for more information about INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY scholarships.
The Doug Finney Festival Grant: awarded to four Thespians who are junior or seniors to attend the Thespian Festival and covers basic registration costs (including room and board) and reimburses up to $250 in travel expenses. Due February 1.
The Jhon Marshall/International Thespian Officers' Outstanding Achievement Scholarship: a one-time, $1,000 scholarship for two seniors who exemplify the ideals of the Thespian Society. Due February 1.
The Austin Yeatman Technical Theatre Scholarship: a one-time $1,000 scholarship for a graduating senior majoring in technical theatre. Due April 1.
The Bob and Marti Fowler Future Theatre Educator Scholarship: a one-time, $1,500 scholarship for a graduating senior pursuing an education major in theatre. Due April 1.
The EdTA Presidents' Scholarship: a one-time, $1,000 scholarship for one inducted Thespian who demonstrates leadership abilities both in and out of school. Due April 1.
The following scholarships are awarded as a part of the Thespian Scholarship Auditions program, held at Thespian Festival 2013: the Excellence in Theatre Performance Scholarship, the Future Theatre Educator Scholarship, the Melba Day Henning Scholarship, and the Technical Theatre, Performance, or Playwriting Scholarship.

OFFICERS 2024-2025
President: Heleen R.
Vice President: Maggie G. & Vivian E.
Secretary: Rylan H.
Treasurer: Turner C.
Social Media/Historian: Finn G.
Clerk: Aurelius L.
RUCKUS Captain: Crys S.
Leads the direction of the organization; runs the Thespian meetings; meets with the other officers and Thespian Director regularly regarding Thespian issues; coordinates and delegates jobs
Acts on behalf of the president when the president is away, including running the Thespian meetings; Coordinates Thespian events, such as TOTS-EAT (Oct.), TIOS, (March), induction (April/May) and optional holiday gatherings, dances, field trips to other schools’ performances, etc.
Creates meeting agendas; Takes notes during Thespian meetings to record persons in attendance, date of meetings, decisions made, future events, et cetera; posts meeting announcements and minutes
Reports on financial state of the Drama Fund; Coordinates all fundraising events throughout the year
Record keeper of Thespian hours; Assists VP coordinating all Thespian events
Takes photographs, gathers materials, and records history of the Thespian Troupe throughout the year in an album; send images to yearbook adviser; updates all social media outlets regularly
Coordinates all rehearsals and performances for improv team; recruit members

Excellence in Student Leadership
OFFICERS 2023-2024
President: Eleanor B.
Vice President: Ellie W.
Secretary: Finn B.
Treasurer: Maxine G.
Historian: Kennedy H.
Clerk: Milo K.
RUCKUS Co-Captains: Roe H. and Vivian E.
OFFICERS 2022-2023
Co-Presidents: Lily R. & DeAndre W.
Vice President: Zoe H.
Secretary: Melena B.
Treasurer: Dominic T.
Historian: Rosa W.
Clerk: Nate L.
RUCKUS Captain: Eleanor B.
OFFICERS 2021-2022
President: David S.
Vice President: Ryan H.
Secretary: Kai W.
Treasurer: Melena B.
Historian: DeAndre W.
Clerk: Zoe H.
RUCKUS Captain: Lily R.
OFFICERS 2020-2021
President: Edme G.
Vice President: Bella P.
Secretary: Alexia V.
Treasurer: David S.
Historian: Ryan H.
Clerk: Sophie D.
RUCKUS Captain: Lily R.
OFFICERS 2019-2020
President: Sophia L.
Vice President: Edme G.
Secretary: Evan H.
Treasurer: Emmett R.
Historian: Bella P.
Clerk: Sophie D.
RUCKUS Captain: Watts M.

OFFICERS 2018-2019
President: Helen T.
Vice President: Denver L.
Secretary: Kayden C.
Treasurer: Breely B.
Historian: Ahliah N.
Clerk: Sophia L.
RUCKUS Captain: Atticus L.
OFFICERS 2017-2018
President: Molly B.
Vice President: Denver L.
Secretary: Rachael S.
Treasurer: Breely B.
Historian: Dimitri I.
Clerk: Sierra G.
RUCKUS Captain: Finn M.
OFFICERS 2016-2017
President: Amanda R.
Vice President: Rylee R./Denver L.
Secretary: Breely B.
Treasurer: Molly B.
Historian: Devin R.
Clerk: Henry E.
RUCKUS Captain: Finn M.
OFFICERS 2015-2016
Council Members include:
Wesley C.
Henry E.
Teyah H.
Devin R.
Amanda R.
Dylan Y.
RUCKUS Captain: Kyle G.
OFFICERS 2014-2015
President: Brianna M.
Vice President: Alexis C.
Secretary: Baylee L.
Treasurer: Wesley C.
Historian: Jeremy H.
Clerk: Teyah H.
RUCKUS Captain: Kyle G.
OFFICERS 2013-2014
President: Elizabeth E.
Vice President: Lexie H.
Secretary: Brianna M.
Treasurer: Jeremy H. & Lexi G.
Historian: Abby P.
STO (liaison): Daryl M.
OFFICERS 2012-2013
President: Trey L.
Vice President: Megan H.
Vice President: Daryl M.
Secretary: Elizabeth E.
Treasurer: Nate H.
Historian: Patrick F.
OFFICERS 2011-2012
President: Kristin A.
Vice President: Rosalia T.
RUCKUS VP: Brandon B.
Secretary: Megan H.
Treasurer: Daryl M.
Historian: Grady M.
OFFICERS 2010-2011
President: Dania T.
Vice President: Caleb K.
Secretary: Rosalia T.
Treasurer: Kristin A.
Historian: Luke V.
OFFICERS 2009-2010
President: Pablo S.
Vice President/RUCKUS: Jon K.
Secretary: Kristin A.
Treasurer: Ashlee Z.
Historian: Eleanor S.
OFFICERS 2008-2009
President: Joey R.
Vice President/RUCKUS: Jessica S.
Secretary: Brittany L.
Treasurer: Caitlin S.
Historian: Taylor L.
Chartered in 2007-2008 (May 2008)
Adopted: Thursday, May 7, 2009
Amended: Thursday, May 31, 2012
SECTION 1. Name: This organization shall be called Troupe 7289. The Troupe has been chartered by Roosevelt High School. The charter affiliates it with the International Thespian Society (ITS), a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).
SECTION 2. Purpose: The Troupe is the honors component of the school’s theatre program. Its purpose shall be the advancement of standards of excellence in theatre. More specifically, the Troupe will encourage students to attain a better mastery of the theatre arts and will reward those who achieve it with induction into the Troupe. Thespians achieving honor ranks shall receive recognition of their exemplary accomplishment.
SECTION 3. Governance: This Troupe constitution and its bylaws are two components of a hierarchy of documents that govern the Educational Theatre Association and its membership. The documents affecting Troupes, in order of authority, are: the Educational Theatre Association Code of Regulations and Membership Policy, the Troupe handbooks, the Troupe constitution, and Troupe bylaws. This constitution may not be altered in any way that conflicts with a superseding document or school policies and procedures.
SECTION 1. Membership: Membership is achieved by complying with all induction criteria as defined in the Troupe handbook. The ITS Thespian point system is the official guideline for awarding induction points. Any changes to induction criteria, including the Thespian point system, must be adopted as a Troupe bylaw.
SECTION 2. Nominees: All nominees for active membership shall be regularly enrolled as students of Roosevelt High School, Portland, Oregon or a student at a neighboring alternative school situation without the ability to form an official Thespian Troupe.
SECTION 3. Requirements: All active members must have participated in at least two (2) full-length plays or other theatrically related endeavors, and have earned a minimum of ten (10) points or 100 hours of superior work. Also, active members must be enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 for Thespian Troupes.
SECTION 4. Authority: Final authority concerning membership requirements shall be vested in the Troupe Director.
SECTION 5. Honorary membership: Honorary membership may be granted to adults for extraordinary and worthy assistance in the promotion of the theatre in the school and community to be determined by the Troupe Director.
SECTION 1. Officers: The Thespian Troupe shall have the following officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, clerk, and social media historian. Duties shall be defined in the Troupe’s bylaws. RUCKUS Team Captain shall be considered a Troupe committee chairperson.
SECTION 2. Elections: The Troupe shall elect officers for the next school year in the last full month of the current school term. Officers are elected each school year and can run for any office.
SECTION 3. Service: Officers shall serve one term per election. One term is considered to be one full school year. If an officer is replaced during the school year, that officer shall only serve until the next available election at the end of that current term.
SECTION 4. Troupe Director: The duties of the Troupe Director will be to oversee all Troupe activities, to be the final authority in selection of new members, and to be the guide and inspiration of the Troupe.
SECTION 5. If an officer is replaced during the school year for any reason, the voting for the replacement shall be done in the same manner as regular elections.
SECTION 1. Meetings: At minimum, Thespian Troupe meetings shall be held monthly throughout the school year. Special meetings may be called by the Troupe Director, any officer, or by a quorum of Thespians.
SECTION 2. Quorum: A quorum shall be a majority of the Troupe’s active membership, including at least two officers.
SECTION 3. Denial of participation: Any Thespian who causes deliberate dissension or disruption of any production or business meeting may be denied participation in Troupe activities by a vote of two-thirds of the Troupe’s membership and the consent of the Troupe Director. Any member requesting reinstatement of participation rights may have them restored with the consent of the Troupe Director and two-thirds of the Troupe’s membership.
SECTION 1. Dues: There shall be no mandatory dues for Thespian induction except as provided by the Educational Theatre Association Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Fees: Troupes may approve additional fees for local Thespian Troupe participation. This requires consent of the Troupe Director and a two-thirds vote of the active Troupe members at a regular Troupe meeting. The school and its Troupe Director may also assess user fees in accordance with school policy.
SECTION 1. Purpose: Bylaws provide additional guidance for the governance and operations of the Troupe. No bylaw may be in conflict with the EdTA Code of Regulations, EdTA policies, Troupe handbook, Troupe constitution, or school policy or procedures.
SECTION 2. Adoptions and amendments: The Troupe Director may adopt or amend bylaws as deemed appropriate. Bylaws may also be added or amended by approval of a simple majority of the Troupe’s active membership and the consent of the Troupe Director.
SECTION 1. Exclusions: Article I may not be amended.
SECTION 2. Procedure: Articles other than Article I may be amended by approval of two-thirds of the Troupe’s active membership with the consent of the Troupe Director. This constitution and its amendments shall be subject to change according to any or all requirements of the International Thespian Society.
SECTION 1. A student arriving late to, leaving early from, or absent from required meetings or rehearsals without a reason considered valid by the Troupe Director will receive a warning. Three such offenses without a written excuse will be counted toward irregular attendance.
SECTION 2. Regular after-school meetings will begin no later than 10 minutes after school is released the day of the meeting and morning meetings at no more than 30 minutes prior to the start of the regular school day. Changes will be posted by 2 P.M. the day before the meeting.
SECTION 3. Irregular attendance indicates a lack of interest; therefore, any member absent six (6) meetings or required rehearsals per school year without a written excuse submitted to the secretary, stage manager, or Troupe Director shall be automatically suspended from Troupe activities, including, but not limited to productions, competitions, and events. The Troupe Director has sole authority to reverse the suspension.
SECTION 4. Attendance shall be considered in the Thespian points award system and consideration for participation in any Thespian events, including, but not limited to meetings, productions, competitions, and events.
SECTION 5. Absences shall accumulate for only one school year at a time.
SECTION 6. Thespians must attend at least one meeting or activity per month to maintain active membership.
SECTION 1. Induction points must be earned over the course of more than one production and in at least two areas of theatre. In years when there is only one production, this requirement is waived.
SECTION 2. Induction points will be awarded for theatre-related work done outside the school’s theatre program. To qualify for points, a copy of the program or other verification must be provided.
SECTION 3. One induction point may be earned for attending non-school productions. To qualify, a ticket stub or a program must be provided as proof of attendance. A critique of the show (two-page minimum) must be submitted within one week of the production.
SECTION 1. An induction ceremony shall be held at least once each year. Additional ceremonies may be held as often as deemed necessary by the Troupe Director.
SECTION 2. Induction fees are the responsibility of the inductee. The Troupe will pay for induction pins and other honors items.
SECTION 3. The Troupe Director determines the time, place, schedule, and format of induction ceremonies.
SECTION 4. The Troupe Director and president conduct inductions. The vice president is responsible for training induction ceremony speakers, scheduling and rehearsing said speakers, and preparing the stage and induction properties as directed by the Troupe Director.
SECTION 1. Duties: Troupe officer duties are defined below. The Troupe Director may assign other duties.
A. The president creates meeting agendas, presides at all meetings, meets with other officers and Thespian Director regarding Thespian issues, appoints all standing and special committees, and directs and supervises Troupe activities.
B. The vice-president presides in the absence of the president including running the Thespian meetings, assisting with RUCKUS as either a Board liaison or the Team Captain, coordinates TOTS-EAT (Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat) and TIOS (Theatre In Our Schools Month), is responsible for organizing the induction of new members.
C. The secretary keeps the records of meetings and Troupe affairs, posts meeting announcements and minutes, coordinates social activities, and attends to Troupe correspondence.
D. The treasurer reports on the financial state of the Drama Fund, coordinates all fundraising events throughout the year with the Troupe Director, and keeps the point records of all activities: plays, production dates, casts, crews, and work accomplished as provided in the official point system.
E. The clerk is the record keeper of Thespian hours. The clerk assists the VP with all Thespian events.
F. The social media historian takes photographs, gathers materials, and records the history of the Thespian Troupe throughout the year, coordinates Troupe publicity, keeps a scrapbook of news clippings, posters, programs, etc. and coordinates TIOS with the VP.
G. Other offices such as publicity chair, Drama Club Booster liason, and TOTS-EAT (Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat) chair may be added at the Troupe’s discretion as committee chairpersons, but do not serve on the Board. All officer positions must be listed in the Troupe’s constitution.
H. The Troupe Director keeps the Troupe’s books and pays bills, and acts as business manager of Thespian productions.
I. RUCKUS Team Captain will serve as a Troupe committee chairperson not an officer, and is the only committee chairperson who will serve on the Board itself. RUCKUS Team Captain coordinates the team and events. An elected officer can serve as the Team Captain, too, or be appointed separately by recommendation of RUCKUS members, officers, and Troupe Director.
SECTION 2. Requirements for all elected officers are as follows: each student must be an active member of the Drama Club or Thespian Troupe for at least one school year, and at the time of election must be enrolled in grades 9, 10, or 11 for high school Thespian Troupes. At the time of election, they also must be either inducted into Thespians or will be inducted into Thespians at the time they are sworn into office.
SECTION 3. Nominations for officers are to be made by current Thespians and/or inductees. Students may self-nominate. Officers will be elected by a majority vote per office or as a whole Board, to be determined by the officers and/or Troupe Director annually. Nominations shall be made via induction letter or at the official Thespian meeting during the election cycle.
SECTION 4. Elections for the next school year will be conducted at the May Troupe meeting.
SECTION 5. Voting will be done by secret written ballot at an official Troupe meeting.
SECTION 6. Three members, including one officer, may request a recall election of all or any elected officers within 48 hours of the announcement of newly elected officers. This request must be submitted to the Troupe Director in writing and state the need for such an election. A special meeting will be scheduled within five school days upon receipt of the request for the purpose of voting on whether or not a recall election is necessary. Two-thirds of the membership is required to mandate a recall election. If a recall election is necessary, election of officers will follow the procedure set in Sections 2–4 above.
SECTION 7. Officers shall be installed at the Thespian induction in the current school term for the following school year.
SECTION 1. The Troupe is not a secret organization. All interested faculty, students, parents, Honorary Thespians, Troupe alumni, and administrators are welcome at Troupe meetings.
SECTION 2. At least one meeting or special event of Troupe 7289 shall include an open invitation to all students for the purpose of playing theatre games and creating improvisations. Roosevelt’s teams shall be called Roosevelt’s Roughrider RUCKUS improv teams and divided spontaneously into two groups: Havoc and Brouhaha. Additional teams may be added as attendance and interest increases, and those teams shall be named Mayhem, Bedlam, and Pandemonium.
SECTION 3. The Troupe shall sponsor at least one “good neighbor” program a year for the purpose of establishing good relationships with nearby Thespian and Junior Thespian Troupes and other dramatic groups as available.
SECTION 4. The Troupe shall cooperate with all other departments and clubs in the school in helping them with their programs in any way it can.
SECTION 5. The Troupe shall participate in “Theatre In Our Schools Month” each year.
SECTION 6. Other Thespian events can occur at the discretion of the Troupe with the approval of the Troupe Director.
SECTION 1. In the event issues/conflicts arise between a Thespian and the Troupe Director that cannot be solved through communication between the two parties, the issue should be resolved by the school administration as indicated in the Troupe handbook. 
Adopted: Thursday, May 7, 2009
Troupe Director: Jo Strom Lane
Troupe President: Joey Rivera
Adopted: Thursday, May 31, 2012
Troupe Director: Jo Strom Lane
Troupe President: Kristin Acker